Eurofins Inventory of Hazardous Materials

Hazardous Materials
By the 31st of December 2020 European legislation states that all vessels of 500GT + are obliged to carry an inventory of all the hazardous materials on board. This is already applicable to all vessels of 500 GT+ at the end of their life cycle and new-builds. Hazardous materials are materials or substances that may be dangerous to human health and/or the environment. These can be found in, for example, gaskets, cooling systems, firefighting systems, steering gear and insulation.
Eurofins IHM can provide you with an official and certified inventory report to easily comply with European legislation and have a road-map on how to deal with these materials on board. If there is something that needs to be done about IHM, we will arrange it for you!
International Compliance
Our certified experts will survey your ship and make up a report compliant with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), EU SRR (Regulation (EU) No 1257/2013), SR/CONF/45 Hong Kong international convention and the EMSA BPG. If the vessel is registered under the Dutch flag, we are able to comply with Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention and the NSI/ItoRO NO.24 regulations.

The IHM survey has been completed, and then?
At Eurofins IHM we can provide you with the bare minimum to comply with current and upcoming legislation: the inventory of hazardous materials and its required updates. However, the IHM report is a start, not a finish. after completing the inventory of hazardous materials, you’ll have to keep track of all changes in the composition of the vessel. The owner of the vessel has to prove that no new hazardous substances are applied to the vessel, for example during maintenance work. By reviewing the documents that are part of the changes to the composition of the vessel, we can take care of this process for you, assuring you to stay compliant to applicable legislation.
Hazardous Materials are found, what now?
If a situation arises when dangerous substances are found during the survey, then what? We are able to give you the right advice dealing with these substances effectively and safely by providing the right mitigation strategies, management plans, raising awareness or even taking the entire process out of your hands.
If you need an IHM report, or if you would like to know more about Eurofins’ IHM services, do not hesitate to contact us at or via your contact person.
Our experts are ready to help.