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Identity Testing

Tests to determine or confirm product identity are core both throughout product development and market supply phases. The use of compendial analytical methods where applicable, or phase appropriate validation according to ICH guidelines where needed, ensures compliance and helps to secure regulatory approval. 

Whereas identity testing for small molecules heavily relies on physico-chemical techniques, testing of biologicals uses a more diverse array of approaches. Still, ICH-Q6B stipulates that identity testing needs to unequivocally demonstrate the presence of active compound or principle, and more than one type of test may be required to do so. These tests depend on product type, which may range from peptide, (modified) protein, nucleic acid, all the way to populations of (altered) cells in cellular therapies. Product conform tests need to be established or adapted from discovery, a road that is traveled frequently and with success. Eurofins scientists will prove to be the reliable partner in establishing the right array of tests.

Contact us for more information about our services.


Why choose Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Netherlands?

  • Single point of contact. Benefit from streamlined communication through a single local point of contact while leveraging the advantages of our extensive global network.
  • Complete service portfolio. Leveraging our network of GMP product testing laboratories, we can offer a comprehensive testing service portfolio to our customers.
  • Standard and custom solutions. If our standard methods do not meet your needs, our skilled technicians can develop customised testing methods tailored to your specific requirements.